Our Services

Ground Lease Arbitration

Ground Lease Arbitration
Expert Resolution for Landlords and Tenants

At MPR Advisors Inc. we offer specialized expertise in ground lease arbitration, providing professional appraisal services to both landlords and tenants embroiled in ground lease disputes. With our deep understanding of real estate appraisal and litigation-related disputes, we are well-equipped to handle even the most complex cases.

Understanding Ground Leases

Ground rent, the amount paid for the right to use and occupy land according to defined lease terms, is a critical aspect of ground lease agreements. These agreements often involve long-term commitments and intricate terms, making disputes challenging to navigate without expert assistance.

Expert Assessment of Market Rent

In every rent renewal dispute case we handle, our assessment of market rent is meticulously conducted based on the contractual obligations and requirements stipulated in the lease agreement. Our goal is to provide a fair and accurate evaluation that aligns with the terms outlined in the lease.