Our Services


MPR specializes in valuing real property for expropriation matters.

Our combined expertise in planning and appraisal is ideal for identifying and analyzing injurious affection resulting from an expropriation.  We are retained by landowners and expropriating authorities, and have experience in providing expert testimony at OMB hearings (now LPAT).

Understanding Expropriation

Expropriation is a legal process wherein a governmental entity can acquire private property for public benefit without the owner’s consent.

Our role at MPR Advisors Inc. is crucial in this process. We estimate the market value of the expropriated property, ensuring that the compensation offered is consistent with “market value.”

Protections for Property Owners

Due to the inherent power imbalance, the Expropriation Act provides protections for property owners. This includes compensation for various elements, such as fair market value, injurious affections, items not captured in market value, development-related losses, legal and accounting costs, and more.

MPR's Expertise and Purpose of Valuation

Retaining MPR Advisors early in your expropriation case allows for a thorough understanding of the property’s value, providing property owners with the information they need to navigate the expropriation process effectively.